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  • yes! that's looking very promising. Thx a lot.

    We are looking for a game-programmer for this project, perhabs you could contact me via hayungs.de

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  • Thx for your reply Wastrel.

    Your example LOOKS like what I need, but it only imitates it.

    It only changes the objects screen position on click.

    I need something like: On-click -> remove item from screen -> let item appear on free position in inventorybox.

    Later you should be able to use items from inventory with other objects on screen etc...

  • Hi guys,

    I'm really new to construct, so excuse my noobness.

    I already searched the forums, but can't find something fitting.

    I just have a static screen with a baground-picture.

    Now I want to place objects there you can collect by clicking on them and they will appear in you inventory box.

    Like in monkey island you know, but without a moving character.

    I only found Mikey's Adventure Tutorial, which looks like a little too complex.

    Do you have any tutorials for point&click mechanics or general

    advice, how I should handle this?

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Member since 21 Nov, 2011

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