gr33n's Recent Forum Activity

  • can i ask what cocoon admob plugin did u use cause for me when i use any admob plugin it dont compile and fails all time

  • Simple Character Animations — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>Hey all i am Gr33n.</p><p>Starting to sell here my game assets and animations that i usually make for myself and hope u like them all as i do and make ur game fun and cool to play ;) !!</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Simple Character Animations

  • emm... i got stuck at Set current weapon to inventoryArray.At(InvSel)

    Can change the first two lines to Set InvSel to InvSel > arrayInventory.width - 1 ? 0 : InvSel + 1

  • Hey all im gr33n ,have been using construct some years now back and fort from construct classic..

    really like it but sometimes making games alone is kinda booring and i have so many new ideas that old ones usualy get unfinished ..

    so i would really like to find some pall or ppl who would like to try make some game together

    i usualy do all my games from scratch by myself drawings , animation and think how to solve problems this way i learn.. but i think i would get some games done faster with collabing and will motivate me to make evn more games ..

    so hit me up here or dm me looking forward to collaabb and see ur posts

  • whats the best way to do that?

  • well i know how to export with xdk just the google play is messed up or i dunno whats the error

  • hey mpp did u made ur first game with construct 2 and uploaded to google play?

    if u did i really need ur help and i will even pay i wanna publish my first game toooo...

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I would pay if someone help me get my game to google play and teach me how i would get my other games up there later on my own...plzz

  • naah its i mean the google play cordova plugin and like what im doing wrong just cant log in my own game to google play or does game have to be published and in beta mode then cause its in beta but not published

  • hey all so im trying to add my game to google play and i keep getting unknown error Sign_in_required(4)

    whats up with that i have like done all i know and many different versions and changed code but still comes..

    plz help..

    i add picture also...

  • so did anyone got it to work!?

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Member since 2 Sep, 2015

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