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  • add some trigger above....

    What do you mean?

  • I add my stuff to the array by two text blocks.

  • Hi, my problem is that when I try to fill the drop down list with array data it keeps just looping the same data over and over again.

    I have an 100x2 Array.

    Here I only have one item called ICT, but the list just keeps looping it many times to the list.

    And here is my eventsheet for that:

    It would be great if someone could help me. I'm pretty new at this kind of things.

  • Hello!

    I have a big problem with my school project. I do not know how I can save some information offline and then use it on the different list objects on my game.

    Please, ignore those Finnish texts. I have marked all things in English and on red font that you guys need to know.

    These Things and Addons needs to be saved offline permanently on the computer where the game is played.

    And the Things and Addons should also be usable globally. (I hope thats the right word for that)

    I am using the free version of Construct 2.

    I hope I can get some help and fast.

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Member since 31 Aug, 2015

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