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  • the physics basics tutorial states that it probably isn't such a good idea to combine the two.

    see the section "Manual movement & other behaviors"

  • ah, great! Thanks for calrifying that, I'll try to get that workaround working.

    BTW: I also played around with the plaform behavior and now I read your post I am asking myself if a similar situation applies to setting the deceleration at runtime...?

    Kyatric: Thanks for the tips regarding platforme behavior :)

    But I think I'll go with physics for this one, especially after learning a little about impulse and such. As I said I'm only starting off and learning physics seems very appealing :P

    Also I want to have many jumps, meaning pretty much every key from the keyboard will be a "jump key" with different parameters, so the platformer is not per se a better fit than physics I guess...

  • done, but I'm unsure about how this maps to my situation.

    Maybe I should explain why I am trying this in the first place...

    I want the frog to be able to bounce off anything except for when it hits this anything from above (like the ground or a platform hovering in the middle of the layout).

    first I thought about making this a platform behavior but the frog should only jump (i.e. not walk) and I couldn't think of a kind of a good way to get the bouncing left/right/top. Also I want to have the nice parabola movement.

    So applying an impulse seems like the way to go, but how do i prevent the frog from bouncing when hitting something from above?

    First idea would be to "simply" apply an impulse which is inverse to the current velocity when the frog hits something from above.

  • Sorry if this is not a bug but just me being silly (just starting off with Construct).

    When setting the elasticity of a physics object, it immediately "falls off the sky".

    The capx shows what I mean: the green block is supposed to jump to the left if you hit L (I mean really jump, not this little hops).

    So is this me not understanding the physics thing?

    Tanks a lot,


  • great stuff, many thanks!

  • Regarding the phonegap business model:

    as stated in their public source code repository License file they use a modified BSD ? MIT dual licensing model which if I recall correctly means they are giving the code away with pretty much no restrictions.

    This means that if they decide to charge for usage in the future or discontinue the project other developers can step in and fork the project.

    So they do not really have a way to "take it away" from the community.

  • you should look at the phone gap website.

    if i understand this correctly, you install the full android development environment and make a project using the phonegap library which is then handed the filename for the game.

  • also try just playing around with all the numbers (except maybe the 360 as it is derived from the nature of the sinus function). that should give you a good idea of what they do.

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  • 256 should denote the position where the platform is per default.

    the sin(...) part takes care of moving the platform left and right. Basically it is an expression that "swings" between -1 and 1, see wikipedia (sinus) for details on that.

    "time" should be the game time starting from zero on game (or layout?) start. it takes care of the platform actually moving as time progresses, and the "* (360 / 5)" describes that the whole period of movement is split into 360/5=72 steps, each taking place in one time unit.

    150 is the distance by which it will move to each direction, meaning it will move 300px in total.

    actually as I'm only starting off with construct I would love for someone to confirm I got that right, too ;)

    EDIT: and I would also love to see a kind of comprehensive expressions catalogue by object/behaviour type.

  • Sorry for digging this out, but I tried to use the angle Expressions to set my player angle.

    After some thinking I resorted to use the Platform.VectorX expression (glad to hear hints for improvement, this is my second day with Construct and graphical programming in general).

    But while experimenting with the angles I noticed something I don't understand:

    when walking to the left and jumping, the angle seems to be >270 at first.

    How come?

    The capx shows what I mean: the green/yellow blocks indicate which angles are present.

    P.S. Sorry, don't have Dropbox (yet).

  • Kyatric, could you show a screenshot or something to show which "set variable value" dialog you mean?

    I keep getting 404s for every "help" button i click in construct 2...

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