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  • Alright a thing I noticed about the sounds for the attacking animations that's kind of a problem: When you attack, the sounds seem to play very fast.

    For example, the character running sound is at 0.4 seconds for every tick for the system condition, whereas the attack animation has no tick for it to determine how long the sound should play before playing again, so it comes out as one long continuous sound until you let go of the key for the attack.

    So if there is a way to remedy this, that's be greatly appreciated!

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  • Thanks so much for the help Indomitus! At the moment I only have the walk cycle sounds down, and thanks to the capx you supplied to me, I followed its instructions and now my character has a seamless walk cycle noise!

    I'll be adding in the attack stuff soon, I'm gonna remake the animations for that, but for now, There's still so much I wanna do, but at the moment getting the hang of Construct 2 is a good way to go.

    Of course since I don't have a high enough reputation yet, I can't share the capx file I have, but oh well. Maybe later!

  • Thank you Indomitus!

    As for the coding, what I been using is very simple stuff, some of which I managed to figure out on my own.

  • Greetings!

    I just recently got myself Construct 2, and have already made some test platforms to get a hand at how things work. Thus I have managed to figure out controls, animations and sounds (to a degree haha).

    But I have encountered some issues while trying things: One is attack animations. I followed a tutorial for making attack animations and, despite following everything from the book, I found that the loop for the attack animation does not stop. I was wondering if someone can make a more better/updated tutorial or some tips to fix this.

    The other is adding footstep sounds for when the character is moving. Again i followed some basic instructions for this, but produced the same results. The sounds do not stop when the character stops. I ask again if someone could give me some tips or a detailed walkthrough on how to fix this.

    Thank you for anyone's time for reading this, and I hope to hear from someone (or anyone) with some useful information!

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Member since 22 Aug, 2015

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