misotropici's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi, I solved it by adding a condition if the "livello" key is exist, in which case it doesn't create it so it doesn't overwrite the data already there.

  • Hi, I created this function. It works correctly however when I change the variable "nemico" it doesn't create me a new object in json but overwrites the one already present, for example nemico1 is replaced with nemico2, instead of creating nemico1 and nemico2.

    Instead with livello it doesn't happen, how come?

    Thanks to all.

  • You mean the route editor? Its interface may be very simple like: on "A" key pressed create a waypoint sprite under mouse cursor, on "D" key destroy a waypoint sprite under mouse cursor. And the sprites have drag&drop behavior, so you can move them.

    Then press a button to export all waypoint sprites to a string of coordinates. The resulting string may look like this, each pair of numbers representing waypoint X and Y:


    Or it can be a JSON array:

    [{"x":100,"y":100}, {"x":120,"y":200}, {"x":200,"y":120}, {"x":300,"y":300}]

    Then in your main project you need to parse these strings or split them using tokenat() to extract these coordinates.

    Hi, I am creating my movement system. The movements I need horizontal, vertical and obligual.

    I have created a grid with tilemap and each tile is 16x16 px.

    I am now asking two things:

    - How do I know which tile I have clicked?

    - How do I colour a tile differently when I mouse over it?

    By doing this I make a long vertical line, a horizontal line and an obligatory line appear on the clicked tile so it is easier for me to create the movements.

    Eventually I will make the code available to everyone.

    I'm a beginner and I'm eager to learn.

    Thank you all

  • If only 5 objects will be moving at a time, then you shouldn't worry about the performance. (unless you notice issues with it)

    But there is another question - if you need 100 different routes, how do you conveniently create and store them? Making them by hand and saving as timelines, for example, is going to be a tedious task.

    In the game I'm currently making, I am storing NPC routes in a JSON file as a list of waypoint coordinates. I made a small "route editor" project for that.

    Can you give me some advice on how to make one or if there is any tutorial or guide. Thanks ☺️

  • Ashley likes to post this link:


    I imagine with hundreds of moving objects the performance will not be very good with either method. You might want to think of some ways to optimize this.

    Hi, My mistake, I meant to say that I have to create 100 movements, but only 5 works at a time with a maximum of 5 objects moving at the same time.

    So, it makes no difference whether you use one or the other technique in terms of the resources the processor uses?

  • Hi all, I need to create hundreds of paths to move objects around my square play area. What is the fastest way to create them while also being less demanding of computing power? For example, if I create 100 timelines, are they more energy intensive than 100 tilemaps with pathfinding? Thank you!

  • Send the function ripozoni.uid as an integer parameter. On the other side use pick by uid and you can access ripozoni's various attributes.

    Hello, I am sorry but I cannot. Is there a guide or video where it is explained?

  • Hi, how do I pass the object I clicked to a function?

    I have several text boxes and I would like to pass the one I clicked to the function to do some operations and not repeat them for all the others.

    Thank you and have a good evening

  • Hi! Nobody can help me?

    I've used to trigger for overlapping but when I pass on same object overlapping works again.

    I need that overlapping generate one event, others overlapping on the same object doesn't have to generate any others events.

    Have a good day

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  • I'm also not sure what you are asking but event 3 will always return 0. Use either floor(random(2)) OR choose(0,1).

    Hi! thank for your answer!

    I've erased others code for example, at the begining there was others generator block like as which = 1 generated red block, which = 2 generate blue block etc..


  • Hello

    I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but I try to help you out.

    1) What do you want to achieve with the 'which' variable? It is always 1, so your code at 'which = 0' will never be called.


    Just use 'On created block' and add your actions.

    Hi! thank for your answer!

    1) I've erased others code for example, at the begining there was others generator block like as which = 1 generated red block, which = 2 generate blue block etc..

    2) I've insert my action as generator random numbers in "on create object", but it is generate always I overlapping on black block. I need that the random numbers are generated one time for each blocks.


  • Hi! I'm Luca from Italy. I'm sorry for my English, I'll try to be clear!

    I'll insert my file .capxI've got two problems:

    1) I've been following some instructions in a construct tutorial about once overlapping. When I pass on a black block two o more times, the trigger doesn't work and the counter signs other points. I need that one time overlapping, others steps on black block don't add more values to points.

    2) My second problem is that random number is generate always the sprite overlapping black block. I need instead that the random number is created one times when System create an object, see image below.

    Thank you and sorry for my English. I've been studying to 2 years!

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