As an example, it's basically a series of JSON codes embedded into a single JSON.
{"c2dictionary":true,"data":{"MiniWidth":480,"MiniHeight":280,"MiniX":1440,"MiniY":800,"ModData":"{\"c2dictionary\":true,\"data\":{\"and4d\":0,\"challacc\":0}}","GiveawayData":"{\"c2dictionary\":true,\"data\":{\"MaxEntries\":100,\"Word\":\"! \"}}","CounterData":"{\"c2array\":true,\"size\":[0,2,1],\"data\":[]}","StoreData":"{\"c2array\":true!comma!\"size\":[1!comma!3!comma!1]!comma!\"data\":[[[\"Scribble \"]!comma![\"ScribblePlus\"]!comma![\"50\"]]]}"}}
This is then uploaded via AJAX, calling a php file which stores it into a database.
If any section of the data includes a comma, it breaks the json (which makes sense), yet if I use certain symbols it breaks the upload, and it never reaches the database.
I'm currently in the process of testing an encryption plugin, but I always hate using non-official plugins in Construct 3.