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  • I haven't tried gamepad but i would think you would check for down or release. But in your case you would compare axis, like axis equal to or greater than and it should work!

  • Great plugin, just off the top of my head this has a 100 uses!!

  • I'm not understanding what your question is?????

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  • I have tried to get to work with pubnub, after banging my head countless times. works perfectly, but when i get two players in

    one room it is so laggy. I have talked with pubnub techs and they are goin to put together a example showcasing a simple MP game, so i'll just wait till then. If not guess ill wait on bubble server:)!

  • I think we got there attention i'll be in contact with them and i'll keep you guys posted.

    Doron (PubNub Agent), Jun 26 01:45 (PDT):

    Hi Antonio,

    Ok, I think we're getting point :) With game projects that are slated for development and release we would of course be motivated to bring the SDK up to date. Any specific projects you can tell us about will help to expedite. Our client solutions engineer is copied on this communication.

  • I was thinking the same thing ill try it and see what happened

  • sorry about the download guys! glad some of you got it to work to see the potential it has and yes it is just a web socket

    I have been trying different hacks to get things to work. And yes rainbow has excellent plugins

    But I am not a excellent programmer so when I seem this it thought holy.... you guys in the community will love this and it has a small learning curve. I've been in talks with them to just need the support of this community to make it happen.

  • listen guys i had the same exact problem and got it to working fine.

    Are you guy using my download or theres? If you are using theres make sure you download the zip or master zip. Just let me know so i can help cause i'm using it just fine.

  • Guizmus

    Works fine for me i'm using version r135, are you sure you put plugin in right place? It should be in program files: construct2/exporters/html5/plugins

    And also you have to sign-up for account so you get key to server at PubNub its free!

  • I searched the forums to see if anybody has posted about this plugin PubNub which is a multiplayer plugin for construct2 and other SDKs.

    What i love about this thing is that you can build the front-end(Client)

    and the backend(Server) in construct2. It is awesome i have been playing around with it for a day or two and it definitely has serious potential.

    You have to sign up for a account to use it like "" at , but there is not a lot of support for it on the site, this is what they replied to me:

    Glad you made it to work. When I say not supported officially means that it may work well with basic pub/sub feature but likely not support the entire API, not include latest bug fixes, not include add-on features (such as presence, history, etc.) so you're pretty much on your own if you encounter any issues, at least until we decide to rev up to the latest version. My recommendation is to use one of the officially supported SDKs.

    So I would love you guys to check it out and tell me what you think, especially you plugin makers PLZ!!. The example they have is straight forward and consist of the server handling all game logic. I got a very simple chat to work, But was confused as to how i would get other game logic across. If you guys like it maybe we could put some pressure on them to update plugin with it's current features!

    Here is plugin and examples

    PubNub Package

  • So it acts like a 3d engine and culls?

  • ok it won't be and thanks, but a 20000 x 20000 WOW!!

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