solved , i clicked view tile map bar, was unchecked i dont know why S:
Hi , i close the windows of tilemap editor and dosent show again ._. , anyone knows how can i open that window??
thankz dudes
thankz dude !!!!!!! (-inlove)
sometimes my post dosent shows S;!!!
for example the host with the room is allready full , and the people will be kicked , how can i create another host with other room?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Hi everyone , i have a question . I make a game with a host , room , etc with multiplayer object , but is this host busy how can i make a other host with a diferent room?
thankz in advance
yes is easy to use , but can i use to android mobile game in real time?
Hi everyone , i have a question about a multiplayer online game , ill must use "Multiplayer" object or "WebSocket" object??
Thankz in advance
dammm i cannot post url T_T
this is the file , but works in html5 but dont in my device T_T, help me dude!!! plz plz
Member since 5 Aug, 2015