Yes that's right. You only need to set the skins in the skin group once though. You can use the "Is Empty" condition for that.
Set skin will automatically override the previous skin and make the needed changes.
The only thing you might want to look into is wether you still want the default skin to be shown under the skin or not.
You can use Set Skin to change the skin of a character, and to change the animations, you can use Set Sub Skin.
By default, Sub skins are automatically synced to the animation playing on the sprite you set the skin on, but you can disable that and set them manually if needed.
This was due to a typo in the behavior code when I ported a bugfix from the C2 version to the C3 version.
I updated it there:
Thanks for reporting, it should work fine now :)
Ah! I'll look into it and update the addon/example asap
Nice. I've actually done something very similar for Spritefont Deluxe (which has been released for free on the C3 addon exchange platform
In that gif, I use functions to change the animation for the face
And in the string it's just a function tag, like any other typewriter tag.
I've also written a super complete dialogue system for my game (that I won't use in the end) that supports choice, languages, branching dialogue and many other very cool things
I'll probably do a tutorial or course about how to do and use all that when I have some time.
I now know how I can call functions from within the dialogue, and I’m working on a way to use timelines and the MoveTo behaviour in a similar way to trigger things like cutscenes. That’s progressing quite nicely actually. Then my next challenge is branching dialogue.
Nice, I'm pretty interested in how you did that :)
Great work this year. I think this year has been scirra's best year ever in terms of features and overall quality of what came out. Amazing stuff, and have some nice time off!
Get some rest, and see you soon Laura!
Tidy events, commented code. Good.
Enjoy your break :D
% is the modulo operator. Basically a%b returns the rest of the euclidian division of a by b. Put in other words, you remove b from a as long as a > b
12%7 = 5
100%10 = 0
3%8 = 3
So what that means is that it will execute the action only when tickount%2 is equal to 0. This is true when tickount is even. So it will only execute the action when tickcount is even AKA every two frames.
Changing the number after the modulo increases the number of frames it will wait before performing the action.
I really like how with each post you slowly join in on the fun of descending into the dark abyss of programming and debugging. A world where nothing makes sense and everything makes you start to doubt your own sanity until you realize it was all of your own making, and at that point, finally reach the last stage of madness.
Hi, no worries.
In system conditions there is a condition named "compare two values"
Put tickcount % 2 in the first field
= (equal) in the second (it's a dropdown)
0 in the third
You can set inputs to the "down" or "up" state for given inputs using the plugin's actions, and then instead of using keyboard inputs or gamepad inputs, you just use the plugin's conditions.
Here's an example:
On mouse left click down => InputManager set input "fire" to down
On mouse left click up => InputManager set input "fire" to up
Is "fire" down, Every 0.5 seconds => Create bullet
Let's say I have a lot of points, can I, instead of customizing one big NPC, take a lot of small ones and make them all part of a cult?
Member since 3 Aug, 2015
Sometimes I do some cool stuff in Construct. Sometimes I like to talk about it.