> > I think you are asking for solutions to problems that you wont have. You do not need to open 2,000 browser tabs. If a room is full or not found, that player becomes the host of a new room. The players are the hosts, not you.
> >
> Yes, but if I want to make sure that connection quality is good and consistent, especially with 100 players/room, I need dedicated hosting.
It would mean that ALL connections run through the server .... and its bandwidth usage ....
You would require a hosting service with unlimited bandwidth usage.
Also .... max web RTC connections per browser is 256, that is for a single browser instance. So that browser is only able to connect with max 256 players in 1 room at any given time.
That would mean for each 256 users connected to a single room ... you would require another browser instance with its own opened WebSocket.
Each websocket you open will weigh down on performance of the server.
Also, if you manage to get a game running with 256 peers connected ... without problems ... well, I would praise you a lot
The C2 multiplayer hosting scenario based on a peer being the host is actually quite intuitive ...and eliminates tons of server connection problems relating to high volume usage.
Thanks for the input.
I've learned a few things about the topic since I last wrote, including the 256-connection limit.
Okay, let's forget about 100 players/room. Let's have 10. Is there a reliable way to make sure that the host has good enough Internet connection? Maybe switch hosts if the current one is having difficulties... I still think consistent connection quality is important.