Orange's Recent Forum Activity

  • You readed this topic? (To Scirra Developers)

  • Hello, dear developers. Again, I will offer a brand new feature:D

    Adding VK API Project (Application \ Game for Vkontakte) and Object VK API (For information on Vkontakte, and send requests for it)

    VKontakte is the Russian Socialist. network (aka FaceBook on Russia and other CIS countries), VK API use and other social services. Networks of the CIS countries (such as (Belarussia), (Russia) (and other projects of the soc. network, albeit in another form nenmnogo) and so on.) - overall and in-depth information about the VK API on the official website (Information presented on more than 20 languages??).

  • 1) Quick work guys =)

    And that's all Google transleyt fault error =)

    2) I was referring to font selection, the choice of images for the Edit Box and so on ...

    4) I was referring to the support of the Construct on Android =)

    Do you think I don `t know anything about port?

    And the hum ... there is an important reason why I personally chose C #, and C is not important for their projects. On it there are many tools for rapid porting.

    And by the way, many believe that C2 has menie comfortable than CC.

    And where is our favorite image editor of the CC?))))

  • Dear forum users and developers scirra!)

    I have a few suggestions for the development of your project:

    1) We must continue to improve the SS, rather than throwing it on the floor the way.

    2) It should be added (in both versions Sonstruct) in EditBox, ListBox, and similar objects, the ability to change the design object.

    3) It is necessary to renew all the features of the SS in C2.

    4) It is necessary to port the CC and C2 on the Android.

    At least I am, almost the whole day sitting on my Tablet PC, because I feel so comfortable, but not very convenient when I negomu work at CC or C2, because I'm not the main computer.

  • I think it would be better to write this not to open the theme =)

    And this is very easy to create one =)

    Combine: Math3, TDS, Tetris =)

    And examples of these genres on this site ...

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  • Very cool, but do not have Russian localization of your wiki

    If I can help with the translation =)

  • Hi all!

    My name is Jaroslav (Yaroslav)!

    I can just call Yarik!

    There are currently studying at the programmer's information technology ...

    And starting with Game maker and Construct ...

    At the moment, learned many dialects of Basic, and recently learned all dialects of C

    Just know J # (which by no yet), and Java.

    Just a little learning to draw in vector and pixel-art ...

  • I'll have something which I can teach people =)

    But not all = (

    Recently, was going to write a tutorial on creating TDS to the store, menu and other things!

    But due to lack of graphics it has ceased to write = (

    I think now create one cute example of AI in TDS ...

    I think for 3-4 days can handle ...

  • This is not just for me ...

    But even something I can help when someone is ...

    And there is talk about writing lessons and test their passing ...

    Asking homework and so on ...

    In short everything like school teachers here just easier ...

  • All, I know English quite well ...

    And if you support the site visit there to the forum and look there is a school for Game maker.

    So I thought why not create one just for the same Construct Classic

  • And the silence ...

  • That's not the problem ...

    I'm there already registered in the past. [xx (] Banned me there [xx (]

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Member since 10 Oct, 2011

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