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  • Android Any day,

    Here are some cool pointers

    Is is rightly said about Apple, �They take a technology that already exists, improve it a bit and sell it as the second coming.� That was one of the Android staffer�s analysis of the iPhone 4S launch and we struggle to find a more succinct interpretation of what was unveiled in Cupertino, California a few days back by Tim Cook.

    Here are some of the Features where Android beats iOS hands down

    Ice-Cream Sandwich vs iOS 5

    The launch of iOS 5 is a key selling point for the iPhone 4S, yet it�s by no means exclusive to that handset. As you should all know by now, Android�s Ice Cream Sandwich update is due next week on 11 October, launched has been delayed, however we�ll be able to give a clearer head-to-head then but we�re pretty confident it will withstand the challenge.

    This may sound funny but, key iOS 5 features include improved Twitter connectivity, iMessage, which will face stiff competition from BBM for Android and WhatsApp, and location-based reminders. These all features are already done a year back or is in the works for Android and hardly the smartphone war�s �Golden horse�.

    Siri vs Voice Action for Android

    Let�s not be unfair, Siri does look a fairly impressive piece of tech if it works to its full potential as they�ve presented it to be.

    Is it a brand new invention though? BIG NO.

    Complete read at thednetworks.com/2011/10/07/android-beats-ios-even-after-iphone-4s-and-in-all-walks-check-out-why

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