arconstruct's Recent Forum Activity

  • Megaman clone (movement prototype.) Special thanks to SullyTheStrange. :) Might add in shooting later.



  • Just a heads up, going to my profile at least, the URL for the Google+ icon is:

    Which is obviously invalid.

    And I may just be thick and missing it, but how do I change timezones? <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Thanks.

  • True, I'll keep that in mind if I move forward and it's still not fixed. A big part of this was just learning how to set up a platformer in Unity, but I do have plans to use this prototype for a full game.

  • Sweet! You're a savior man.

    That has to be a bug right? Because I shudder to think doing that for every sprite...

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  • Oh thanks for bumping, I did miss it!

    Wow, thanks for all the help. It's little stuff like this that usually trips me up, heh. Thanks again!

    Edit- He's still floating a pixel above for me...

  • Thanks, the disappearing thing does seem to be fixed, but that screenshot is from the latest build.

  • For the purposes of this, I've made a Megaman demo to just show what I'm talking about. You can grab the capx here.

    I'm still relatively new to Construct 2, but I'm blown away with how few steps it took to make that demo work like it does. Still, there are some issues that I'm having (that I'm not really seeing in others' projects), so I'm hoping to get these straightened out.

    First, although the sprites have no padding and the bounding box is set to exactly the dimensions of the sprites, Megaman still floats 1 pixel above the ground tiles:

    <img src="" border="0">

    Aside from that, walking over these tiles sometimes yields some "jankiness," like he falls a pixel for a split second before returning to his normal position. Sometimes when jumping left, he also disappears for a split second.

    Aside from that, I could use a tip on how to animate him walking continuously while the left/right arrows are held down. Changing animation to "play from current frame" and back does nothing.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks. :)

  • Try this link:


    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Oh thanks!

    How do I tie that to pressing left, however? Custom controls?

    Edit- OK, keyboard object. Gotcha! Thanks!

  • If you create a new project, and change the name under Project Settings to something that has a colon (meaning this symbol, : ) you get this error:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    If you rename the project name and save it again (don't even need to "Save As," just "Save") it goes through just fine. :)

    Just a heads up. :)

  • Hey, new here and new to Construct in general. It's a great editor and I loved diving in. :)

    I was just wondering, like for the platform game in the official 2-minute vid, how would you make it so that he's mirrored when moving left? I tried the negative width trick but that didn't work.

    Wrapping my head around the event system and going through a bunch of tutorials now, but if I had this worked out I could really hit the ground running.


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Member since 7 Oct, 2011

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