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  • Hey there,

    So you could always use the animated sprite itself, assuming you're using the "mirrored" option to flip your sprite right and left when you move in those directions.


    When shooting-

    --if animated sprite is mirrored = used left shoot animation

    --if animated sprite is not mirrored = use right shoot animation

    If this isn't what you've done, for simplicity's sake, you may want to try implementing it (there should be some tutorials that have information about animation and mirroring sprites available in the tutorials area). Otherwise you could have a variable for whether the character is facing right or not that can be set to true or false depending on whether the right or left movement buttons are pressed and use that, but unless you're moving your person in all sorts of crazy ways, that's probably overkill.

  • This is kind of a mind-blowing effect. I'm not sure how it runs so smoothly lol.

  • Hey all! I was wondering if there's a way to get the warp effect not to react to a player's changing x/y coordinates (I'm using an overlapping texture on the ground I'd like to move around a bit)? And, if there isn't, might someone have made version that doesn't (or could make one, if there hasn't been one)?

  • Hey, I'm away from home and on my laptop I just have the free edition. I can't make changes to your code but it looks like you aren't actually creating the local storage key when it's missing (If this is not the right way to go, someone please correct me - it's been awhile since I've implemented storage).

  • I would love to provide more than this link, as it's not exactly what you're looking for, but I think it's a step in the right direction.

    Good luck!

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  • I think you could use the 8 direction behavior with the paddle and then it could go any direction, theoretically. Just make sure it isn't set to be 'up and down.'

  • Hey there,

    I have not idea whether that's a standard font. You may want to find a sprite font version and use that instead, to account for different devices, which would have different font packages.

  • I would think would be a good person to ask about issues with Spriter.

  • One way of doing this might be to use the 8 direction behavior. You can have a variable set to something like 1,2,3,4 (or left, right, up, down...really whatever works), and then have events set up that simulate movement if the variable is set up a certain way.

    You will have a second variable that tracks key presses in the same way.

    For example:

    -One up pressed - set variable to "up"

    For the second part, having the player turn accordingly, I would recommend setting a sprite (a line, maybe with height of 30 and width of 1) and then have that sprite set it's angel depending on the variable, (up, down, left, right).

    Next have invisible sprites set up on openings that the player can go into, when the line sprite overlaps that invisible sprite, you set the main player movement variable to the second variable that is dynamically tracking key presses. You simply set the movement to a simulate control based on the primary variable.

    So to summarize, with this idea you'll need 2 variables, one for dynamic tracking of key presses, and an additional one that is set for actual movement control, that is set the the secondary variable when the player's "line tracker sprite" collides with the invisible "opening sprite." The line tracker sprite needs to have it's angle adjusted depending on key presses.

    I don't know whether this will work for your project because I don't really know what it is, but I'm imagining this as being something that could work for a paceman style game.

    Good luck,


  • Hey there,

    So I would guess that you're using variables that are specific to the player object itself?

    There are two things you can do:

    1)Set up an array with all your variables (as it would be global), and then have your player variables populate from the array. This way, no matter which layout your player goes to, it will always maintain it's variables. (Although, if you did this, you might as well just cut the player variables out altogether as it would be an unnecessary intermediary container for the variables)

    2) Switch to global variables, as they won't be changing from layout to layout, unless you have a "reset global variables" action set up.

  • I'm thinking you could make image points around the players and enemies and then set the hit boxes to those points every tic. You can help picking out by setting the boxes in containers with the players and enemies.

    However, I should note that these hit boxes are going to knock into one another, which may be what you're looking for, but that should be explicitly stated. Movement will, in some way, be restricted due to these ones being solid.

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Member since 26 Jul, 2015

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