damainman69's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thats for the help on this!! I just got tossed to the wolves at work - tossed a huge assignment and given 5 days to get the bulk of it done. On top of another huge assignment I was already doing. I'll be able to get back to normal life in about a week and a half. But 20 hour days does bring in lots of money - meaning more time off for me to fart around with my hobbies!!

    So using sprites/tiled background vs canvas - does that free up vram or ram etc? What I'm going to build after my trial by fire black tiger game is more for my daughter and will run on a spacific machine (arcade sticks, monitor and all!). My junk computer will make up the machine and it's a quad core with 4gb of ram and a 512mb gf220 card. I'm not too worried about the resources in the long run. My little netbook runs it great (solid 60fps) and it's an atom cpu at 1.66 mhz with 1gb of ram and integrated crap gfx.

    I'll have a good look at everything first thing in the morning while I await a hard drive full of work in the mail... Good bye life LOL.

  • So I've gotten this working well for the most part (player collisions aside). My current issue is bouncing the orc back when he's hit and when he dies the animation is totally flakey.

    I probably need a clean up on isle 5 here :) I have made it so the orcs spawn once you they are just outside of the screen instead of already being placed through out the level. It was causing some baddies to die at the same time as others...

    Please have a look at my Orc event sheet to see if it's not a total loss.

    Another side note, spritefont is doing a glitchy thing every 8-10 seconds I noticed. You'll see it when you run the cap.

    Thanks again guys!!

    Here the cap!


  • This randomly not letting me post thing is annoying. I'm not typing out my message again, lol!

    Here's the latest build - same keys as before.


    Feedback welcome!!!

  • Thanks! I was actually in your old thread reading about the splitter when I saw the reply. At least I know I'm on the right track! Thanks for the link, help and app!!

    Gonna have to go down to my mac and photoshop the letters into one line. Right now it's a screen grab from mame of the character set. Lots of extra crap in there too. To work I go! Thanks again!!

  • Ok thanks, I was kinda worried that was the case. I'm not doing anything complicated with it anyhow - so holefully there wont be any crashing issues.

    Now I just need a handy way to seperate the bitmap into all of the characters seperately!


  • I've come across this spritefont thing, but I keep reading that it crashes for most people. Then I read about the bitmap font plugin. I can't find that one to download - unless people are refering to spritefont by another name.

    Using the search tool and roaming the halls of the plugins section of the forum has turned up nothing. Does any one have this plugin or perhaps knows where it's hidden on the forum?

    Thanks in advance!!!

  • Good to hear!! Seeing a working result is always rewarding! Just made a clock/countdown til death timer for my demo. Crappy Arial font is the next thing to go :)

    Have fun!

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  • You are subtracting a negative one from health which is, infact adding one to health. Thats it! Just a double negative resulting in a positive.

    I'm looking into health bars right now, I'm doing more of the zelda approach since thats how the original game was.

    Learning this new (new to me!) program is pretty fun.

    Have fun! Good Luck!!

  • Nice... I totally missed a bug in the duck routine. It's fixed on my end. But in the current demo once you fall off or jump off of a pole you can no longer duck. Forgot to set a flag to zero and add an 'if sprite on ground' to the duck routine. All is well now lol.

  • Hmmm... I haven't had time to test it on anything but the netbook I'm building it on. And the integrated video in this thing is total underclocked garbage too... I'll try it on my old quad core with an nvidia card in it when I get a chance. Chances are that it's the fantastic video driver, and since it's a netbook I won't be bending over backwards to make it work on here.

    If the problem persists between my other pcs, I'll post my cap.

    On that note, I've noticed whenever I ran fullscreen on my other pcs in my earlier builds (directly from Construct, not a compiled exe) it takes forever for construct to actually open up again. It will hang with the (not responding) garbage in the window bar for like a minute and then load up the textures again. I'm assuming that this is because Construct actually uses DirectX to run itself?

    Is the game running smoothly for you? I disabled motion blur and had to redo all the timings in the game... that was an odd glitch.

  • It's probably a known bug, but when I switch modes in my game, going back to windowed mode after being in full screen mode causes the background to dissappear. Or is it caused my my large background image?

    Anyhow, just so you can see where I'm at here the compiled exe.

    z - jump

    x - attack

    f - toggle fullscreen


    There are tiny control bugs I need to fix, and the dagger explosions need to be added tomorrow. Will also add an enemy or two to kill If I can get a little more free time. I'm doing this stuff when I should be sleeping - I will now get 4 hours of sleep before work, LOL!

    I'm having a lot of fun with this! Sprite ripping takes more time than making the game...

  • Yeah I actually made a detailed post last night twice about what I did and what I had to do and the forum would tell me I wasn't logged in anymore everytime I did it so I gave up and posted a quick update lol. There are glitches with the animation, I have to lock out the left and right controls when climbing up or down etc.

    The problem with the animation was typical, just another event blocking it from animating. I went through enough tuts and posts last night to get it. I added an invisible placeholder that the character attaches to in the second build. I was using per pixel collision detection causing some craptastic glitches when falling by platforms (shield was catching the edges). The placeholder is thin so when you column jump it centers much better instead of jumping to the center posisition on the pole.

    I'm getting the hang of it, it's only the begining of my third day. programing the attack routine should be fun :) I'm used to if then's and cases :)

    Thanks :)

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Member since 17 Sep, 2011

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