Ataraxis's Recent Forum Activity

  • Yo

    Ik heb C2 al iets langer dan een jaar maar ben pas de laatste maanden echt ermee bezig. De business is er nog niet echt, zijn nu met een game bezig die bijna af is en waar we binnenkort mee naar Steam Greenlight / andere distributeurs gaan. Helaas kan ik op dit moment nog niets ervan laten zien.

    Woon in Maastricht.

    Hoe is het met jouw verhaal afgelopen ? Welke spellen heb je gemaakt en heb je deze helemaal alleen gemaakt ?

  • Thanks for the fast reply, was talking to my friend about it and we were thinking about doing the same, but were not sure if it might mess with something else. Good to know it can really be that simple ^^.

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  • So Tokinsom what did you do to solve the issue ?

    Just asking out of curiosity since we've been thinking about adding controller support & a way for the Player to set own keybinds.

    So far I've found this topic but doing it like EpicPixel said might give me problems because of some conditions used

    Also found this one but don't know if I can use it for gamepads as well

    For now guess I'll just test some stuff out and play with it a bit to see if it works like I have in mind, and else no gamepad or only 1 setup for it

  • You'll never guess my avatar ...

    Gravatar site doesn't work properly for me so can't adjust

  • Looks good ! Good luck getting it on Steam

  • This kit is awesome !!

    Started making a Metroidvania with my friend, had lots of useless events, didn't even know you could make 1 massive world filled with rooms, didn't know anything about how to truly us Functions. Hell, I even learned a lot about something as basic as use of layers and variables xD

    When I checked the kit I understood I basically knew nothing, so I made / copied the entire kit from scratch to absolutely understand what everything does. If you're new I recommend to this too ! You'll learn a lot

    So what it comes down to: if you're new to C2 / making games ( regardless if you want to make a Metroidvania or not), just buy it if you're serious about it. You will learn more than you could just browsing forums and opening a capx example here and there.

    As for most features that were requested, as Tokinsom said it's really easy to implement. When you understand the way it's all set up, you can play around with it and expand easily on the base kit. Because of this kit our game looks great now, is coded efficiently, the list of positive things goes on and on.

    Thanks to Tokinsom for making this kit & for being so active and helping on forums !

  • Just posted this on another thread but this one seems to be the "official" tilemap questions thread.

    Just found all the Tilemap hotkeys which really makes it a lot faster to build maps without constantly going back to the Tilemap bar itself. But the issue is this:

    "As my designer and I noticed while building a map, you can hold shift and right click to copy a tile ( or multiple tiles).

    BUT it doesn't work with tiles that have been rotated / mirrored / flipped. Seems to only work with the original tiles in the Tilemap object."

    So the question is: is it possible to make it so that you can directly copy those rotated tiles ? Or would this be too much hassle in the code ?

  • Hi there, we're having the same problem.

    As my designer and I noticed while building a map, you can indeed hold shift and right click to copy a tile ( or multiple tiles).

    BUT it doesn't work with tiles that have been rotated / mirrored / flipped. Seems to only work with the original tiles in the Tilemap object.

    It's indeed frustrating to make something that looks good and then have to make that same part over and over again

    off topic: Just read through some forums and was thinking of making a post about this and today this shows up, timing ^^

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Member since 20 Jul, 2015

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