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  • The capx isn't complicated at all

    The issue actually happens with your demo as well (

    If you click and drag either the S or D around, it works fine. But if you're dragging the S and it moves over the D, they will both lock together because the project will register your mouse being over both the original sprite and the one you're moving over.

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  • Thank you sqiddster and Kyatric!

    That's pretty much what I wanted. Except when I created two separate events for two separate objects, they ended up locking together.

  • Hi guys,

    New to Construct 2 and the forums. I'm using to prototype some things right now. I searched and didn't find anything so I figured I'd ask.

    Is there a way I can add a click and drag mechanic to my game?

    For example, I want to be able to take a sprite and drag it into a another sprite, and have them lock together at a specific position.

    Any help is appreciated.

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Member since 9 Sep, 2011

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