I'm surprised and thankful you're still answering my silly questions. I'm slowly chipping away at this mountain and thank you for your patients.
I've changed the creation of the sprite grid to include random(), but the 10 ways I tried don't seem to work even though it accepts it and it's completely logical. But that's not even my real problem.
Don't bother looking at the gate commands, I haven't gotten around to that yet.
I got the id's to work like a charm - I think...
I had them kind of working better earlier, but they weren't getting there, so I tried a different approach. I think I'm closer, but I don't think my new way is going anywhere either.
I can honestly say I have no idea what is happening with the random generator or the grid sprite swapping.
my game file is here: www -dot- cazualnoob -dot- com/web-games/