I'll take a look - Just be aware I'm not working on Windows anymore, only on OSX.
Since C2 is not supported on mac, I can't support my plugin regularly anymore - I take a look when I'll switch to my windows partition though.
Yes I had some personal problems - I should work on it again - Be sure I keep it in mind
if you mean native construct 2 sprites, the answer is not
brill301 this is not possible - Sprites are drawn on canvas, not google map
It sounds like something really impressive. Would someone take some minutes to make a quick video/tutorial in order to see how it works from construct-2 side (before buying it, I would like to see if the plugin is intuitive...) ? Maybe QuaziGNRLnose ?
It sounds like something really impressive.
Would someone take some minutes to make a quick video/tutorial in order to see how it works from construct-2 side (before buying it, I would like to see if the plugin is intuitive...) ?
Maybe QuaziGNRLnose ?
QuaziGNRLnose Do you have some minutes to do this ?
What are you talkin about ????!
You have to install the PLUGIN, not the javascript library of the iscroll website! O_O
Look at the first page!
read this
[quote:18msi1w8]It should be compiled in the week.
It's not yet - I didn't get the time to do it - I'll try this week for sure and will let you know!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
After this message, I dediced to make quickly a new plugin - It should be compiled in the week.
Here is what you can expect to do (fully customizable - colors, dimensions, fonts, styles...)
Yes I already tried it. But didn't work. It may be a wine's issue, but my skills about network stuffs are limited, so I can't specially be sure of what's going wrong...
I think he wants something custom.
resvi, I guess it would be possible to be close by using css sytle to your list/combo box - or at least, by faking it with html... It could be an idea for a new plugin ... I'll take a look
Member since 27 Aug, 2011