FLF355's Recent Forum Activity

  • Guys, I don't know what to say - thank you all so much for your collective input and intelligent advice. I've learned so much trying to go through the ropes here and this community I think is a big part of what makes this package so appealing. Thanks again. I only just got back online, but I'll have a look at all of your feedback, try to implement and learn from it, and let you know how it all goes in the finished product. Believe it or not this is for the intro to the game (a simple top down racer), but I've struggled more with this section than any other part, so your help has been appreciated greatly.

  • Hi Magi, thanks for adding your insights. Do you mean adding an 'Else' statement to that first sub event? I appreciate the tip and it sounds promising (also because I've still got nothing haha). I'm curious as to what you mean by 'popping out the array'. I've got a basic working knowledge of arrays, but in this instance I'm not sure how I'd go about using them to get around the issue. Any insights are always greatly appreciated I'll keep playing with it as well haha.

  • Hi Magistross. Yes I've come across your phenomenal dialogue system in researching answer to my problem. First of all, it looks great and I will end up buying it for future projects because it does exactly what I need. At the moment part of the efforts are in the pursuit of trying to educate myself a little on Construct itself. Thanks for the reference and I look forward to seeing your template in action

  • Ok, I've unfortunately hit on another problem now. I guess by making all these mistakes it's giving me a real good opportunity to learn.

    Here is the code thanks to your input so far from the thread:

    The issue is that a) The code jumps the first speaker and goes straight to the second speaker. (I can't alternate speakers the way I wanted to.) Furthermore, if I add a third or fourth line of dialogue by calling the 'loadtext' function, it automatically jumps to the last line.

    b) I have tried to get a pause between the lines of dialogue using the Wait function, and that doesn't work either. I've read a little bit about how wait doesn't suspend the program as one would expect. Ideally, I'd like a keyboard input to jump to the next text line.

    I think these problems are arising because I'm fundamentally misunderstanding how triggers and loops work in the scheme of the whole event sheet.

  • Your use of functionis correct, however your application of the function is incorrect.

    You want your function to standalone,

    Just tried it and it worked perfectly. You're awesome!

    Thank you so much and it allows me to have conversations between a large number of NPCs.


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  • DialogueExample.capx

    Holy smokes, that's phenomenal. Thank you so much!!! (And very much above my level of comprehension. Not sure what a lot of these expressions do haha)

  • Thanks so much for taking the time to investigate the issue for me. I'll try out your advice straight away and let you know how I go. I appreciate your time.

  • Hi all.

    I've spend two days trying to figure this out and it's driving me crazy. My logic skills are poor, as you will see by my screenshot below.

    Goal: To have one string of text (Currently stored as a global var) be typewritten on the screen. Then, when the string has finished, pause 3 seconds and go to the next line of dialogue. This is basically simulating those old RPGs where character dialogue would scroll until it filled the panel etc.

    Now, I have read the guides posted in the FAQ, which work very well, but only for one line of dialogue. I need to be able to jump to the next string, which is what I'm having trouble implementing, and my brain is failing me.

    Here is a screenshot of my failed logic:

    The issue is to do with loops and the variables I use to keep track of when to jump to the next speaker. After going through the first line of text successfully, the speaker variable just keeps getting bigger and bigger, not staying at the second speaker. I've made a real mess of things and I'm not sure how to fix it despite starting over three times. About to give up on it, but I'd like to see if it's possible. I've tried going through a whole bunch of the examples on the forums that have been linked in the past, but I don't see a good way to implement exactly what I'm after (other than buying a plugin).

    Link to my horrible program:


    Any light shed would be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much.

  • Perhaps it would simply be easier to have the player's car have a hitbox in front of it, so that it could detect cars ahead instead of the other way around?

    You know.... it sounds simple when you say it, but that's a perfect solution. I completely overcomplicated my program. Thanks very much for your input. Feeling pretty stupid.

  • Hi everyone,

    Firstly, I'd like to introduce myself. I picked up a personal license of Construct 2 and I'm enjoying playing around with it during my holiday break. I apologise that I'm still getting to grips with the software as I've had it for a few days. I appreciate any help you can throw my way.

    I'm trying to make a simple top down car game in which:

    a) The road is scrolling downward giving the player the illusion that he/she is driving at speed (just a top down 8direction movement) - This works.

    b)Every 3 seconds, random Cars spawn and scroll downward (but they are facing up, making the player think he's overtaking them on a highway). (I've got different sprites for different cars and I've put them all into a family. - This works.

    c) If the player's car hits the car, an explosion animation plays and he loses a life - This works.

    d) The player gets points by tailgating the cars (riding close behind them as they scroll down) - This is what I'm still working on.

    My solution so far to try to spawn a 'hitbox' sprite that follows behind the cars after they spawn. The Hitbox will be invisible once the code works. The problem is that my code spawns the hitbox for the first car that spawns, but as soon as the next car spawns, the hitbox warps to the next car. (This is because every tick I'm setting the position of the hitbox to the 'Cars' family. As soon as the next car spawns, the hitbox moves. I need a unique hitbox for each car, but I'm having trouble because the cars are in a family. I'm not sure what the event sheet code would be to ensure that:

    a) For each car that spawns randomly, it has it's own unique hitbox that follows it.

    b) If the player is inside that hitbox, he/she gets points. (This I was able to do when my game only consisted of one car, but when I progressed to making the game spawn random cars from a family of them, it became more complex).

    I feel overwhelmed and humbled by how people here are capable of solving complex problems that make my little game look very simple indeed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Member since 6 Jul, 2015

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