Hello guys,
I hope this question hasn't been asked before, if so, please accept my apology, I did try searching the forums and tutorials for a bit, but I did not manage to find an anserw.
I am having an issue with multipleinstances of the same object.
For each character, I have two objects. Squarish hitbox and animation. I've watched few tutorials and this is apparently the best way to handle collisions, when your object isn't a square, if I am wrong, please feel free to correct me. At the moment, I am trying to figure out how to make sure that the animation instance belongs to only one hitbox.
Right now, the instance that is spawned first (at the images below, it's the bug at the bottom) directs both the animation instances.
At first everything is going fine.
But as soon, as the bottom bug changes direction, both animation instances follow him.
This is how I handle pinning the animation to the hitbox.
Any advices how to fix this issue or handle the animation system better?
Thank you very much