marcorocco's Recent Forum Activity

  • I tried a lot of programs but none of them was able to create anything.

    They tried: Inkscape, Krita, Gimp.

    The biggest problem is that I can not draw and no digital drawing board.

    Is there anyone here who has the same problem as me?

    if yes,then what did you do against the problem?

    Just practice man! That's all it takes! I've got some of my egg samples online It's all just dedication and practice: )

  • Try Construct 3

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  • marcorocco Thank you! We are planning to release the playable pre-alpha somewhere around the 1st August, we really can't wait to let all of you play it and give us some feedback, that's a crucial thing for us now.

    Absofruitly! Can't weight to give it a crack!

  • 2015-07-18 Update

    What's new:

    -New enemy finished - The Mimic - A chest look-alike that starts jumping around when you get close.

    -More HUB graphics

    -First Unique Run Ability "Take-Off!" that gives you possibility to toggle between walking/flying

    .gifs & screenshots below:

    Current HUB's state


    Take-Off! (that chest sprite is used as a placeholder, abilities will be collected from altars)

    We are planning to add the first shop now, and keep expanding the content, let us know what you think!

    Awesome!! Can we test it???

  • frozenen Cute style Gave you my vote. Good luck!

    You have my sword,

    and my bow,

    and my vote!

  • Any demos we can try?

  • hey all im renn, 34, characterdesigner from germany, love to create avatars in 2D/3D.

    after 8 years of freelancerjobs i create now with construct2 my own games.

    or better lets say i try it.

    games are my passion..

    i was so young i dont remember much... but i remember i played C64 games, nes/snes, ooh and DOS games..

    fav game? mmh possible a boring answer: killer instinct, zelda a link to the past, secret of mana, turtles in time, ...ookey you dont know this games??? yes i am old hahaha ^__^ .. dont forget my most love Day of Tentacle or monkey island?..

    aaaaah sry i cant choose here. toooo maaany games.

    Looking forward to seeing your creations mate!

    so enough about me

    wish you all a great time


  • Hey folks!

    My name's Marco. I'm relatively new to using Construct 2 but I've been having a great experience so far learning from the tutes and feeds. I've been producing something I never thought I'd be able to achieve without the help of mates who can program

    (copy link to preview, wont let me copy )

    Being a new user means that there are some restrictions on embeddings links and images on the forums but if you look up or Mr. Marcomatic you'll find some of the stuff I've created


  • Great stuff so far!

    Started testing out higher-res graphics for my game instead of a pixel art style. Not sure which way I'm going to go.

    Definitely stay with this style. Pixel art is fantastic and all. I mean I grew up playing with games in such a style. But it's such a lazy way to go. We have the technology to create some remarkable styles. I like what you've got here so keep at it

  • Anonnymitet Hey guys. The Game is called Quill and that's the Ink Quill that he's drawing into the air:P It's an Instrument that transforms thoughts into attacks. Something unique as opposed to a sword or gun.

  • ( QUILL: Animated Minds)

    Hey Folks!

    I'm relatively new to using Construct 2. My skillsets lean more towards the visual/animated sides so learning Construct 2 has been great for getting ideas off the ground, particularly for non-programmers like myself. For the last 2 weeks I've been learning construct 2 and Spriter for a game idea called Quill:Animated Minds. It's been really fun so far and I hope to continue working on this story.

    Here's an attack demo where the user draws into the air and summons thoughts from his mind: It's a choppy preview here but there's a better preview here

  • marcorocco

    No need to apologies

    Heh cool and thanks again, let me know when you have a project to show us all always interesting to see what other people can come up with.

    For sure! I think there's a rule on here where you have to increase your reputation by a certain amount to share work?

  • oh my apologies! Yes sorry. I'm in the same boat as you. Recently got into Construct 2 but I'm getting a better grasp of the program It's looking great!

marcorocco's avatar


Member since 4 Jul, 2015

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