The problem is that no matter how amazing Construct 3 will be, it isn't worth it if you're going to lock us out of our own projects if we stop subscribing.
Think of it in different terms. An artist buys paints and a canvas and paints a beautiful picture. Because they've paid for the materials they can do whatever they want with the painting, it's theirs. They can hang it on the mantlepiece or sell it, or give it to a friend etc. I see this as kind of how Construct 2 license worked, you pay for something and then you create something with it and then it's up to you what you do with that creation.
With the new system (the way I understand it, and please correct me if I am wrong) it's more like. Scirra goes to the artist - hey I'll rent you a canvas and some paints, and you can paint a beautiful picture - and as long as you keep paying me every year you can do what you want with that. But if you ever stop, we'll take away the paints and the canvas, and we'll lock your painting in a room and you can't get it out again until you start paying us again.
This is very unfair for the users. I realise you have to be firm when you have a vision. And you have to take risks. But you absolutely don't have to remove our rights as CREATORS. It's either a huge oversight or a real **** move. No one is ever going to like the rental scheme, but it could be tailored to be acceptable by protecting users creative rights a little, a little compromise isn't a weakness it's pretty much a necessity if you're going to be successful with this.