Notsu's Recent Forum Activity

  • thanks, now it works.

  • Hi, I am trying to spawn object every random seconds but when i use:

    System > every 3 + floor(random(1,4))

    it's spawning object every same time. I wan't to generate number every command use.

    Thanks for reply.

  • How can I lock(like layer in layer editor) definite object like Sprite or sth other visible on the layer? In Classic it was possible, how it's in C2?


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  • Ahh, I used LayoutScale not LayerScale, now it works. Thanks. :)

  • sqiddster, I tried it and it doesn't works.

    kingpenguin, but in a moment I'll need to spawn objects at mouse pos on scaled layer. :/

    Thanks for replies.

  • Hi, I wan't to ask how I can get an real position of mouse. I give You an example:

    I made an event:

    System > Every Tick :Action: Sprite Set Position (Mouse.X, Mouse.Y)

    and then 2 other events:

    Mouse > wheelup :Action: System > Set layout scale to LayoutScale + 0.1

    Mouse > wheeldown :Action: System > Set layout scale to LayoutScale - 0.1

    and now when i'm testing it and scaling the layout the Sprite position is at cursor but only on default scale. I'm trying to use absoluteX/Y but it not worked.

    How I can get real mouseX/Y?

    Thanks for reply, sorry for my engish. :)

  • Thanks Jayjay, it's working perfectly.

  • I have a small problem, when I'm try to include more than 1 layout client loses connection with server.

    How to go from Layout1 to Layout2 out of lose connetion?

    It's showed in Netshooter example but I don't understand these.

    Anyone can explain me step by step how to do this?

  • Awesome plugin, thanks for relase.

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Member since 8 Aug, 2011

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