Hello, decided to pick up and work a bit in Construct 2 after having not touched it at all during this summerbreak. But when i start it up and either load an old project or start a new one, it loads all the maps and events and such, but before anything shows on screen, the whole application crashes with this error message:
Problemh?ndelsens namn: APPCRASH
Programnamn: Construct2.exe
Programtidsst?mpel: 4fdb1d89
Namn p? felmodul: atio6axx.dll
Modulens version:
Tidsst?mpel f?r felmodul: 4fd6390a
Undantagskod: c0000005
Undantagsf?rskjutning: 000000000002c74e
OS-version: 6.1.7601.
Spr?kvariant-ID: 1053
Ytterligare information 1: 51e2
Ytterligare information 2: 51e2ab88c235eb450b08f0deff3aa150
Ytterligare information 3: 8bd5
Ytterligare information 4: 8bd5fd1e59830567ca144fe7b866ba75
I have tried installing the stable version and the unstable beta one. I have also tried updating my graphics driver, any clue what is causing the crash?
EDIT: I just noticed the entire text for the error is in Swedish, i'm sorry for that, my computer is in swedish, shall i translate it or can you figure out what it says?