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  • Hello.

    After two/three tests, it seems to me, the problem affects only the following two conditions: "Cursor is over object" and "object is clicked".

    The other conditions seem to function normally.

    So I am even more excited to see get the R58. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Very good job, Alspal, is exactly the result I expected.

    As I could not solve this problem, I have everything taken from zero while trying to serve me a sprite instead of "TiledBackgroud" based on the mechanisms that you made me understand in your solution.

    And joy, I got it to work perfectly.


    So this morning I just post my solution (French time) and I also see that you solved the problem.

    Looking your .cap, I realize that our solutions are very close even though in the end, yours is simpler, more elegant and above half as long .<img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    I think my solution and that of Aspal put into practice what you said, QuaziGNRLnose, and finally the difference is only the use of a sprite for my part, and "TiledBackground" for Alspal.

    I looked a bit the template RTS, Newt, but it was not really what I was looking for.

    Anyway, a big thank you, especially Alspal. <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Well, after trying some way I just can not fix this little detail.

    It frustrates me even more that the solution has ASPAL exactly what I want (and I thank you greatly, Aspal) but no way to adjust the display of TiledBackground to create the sprites.

    It really does not interfere with the operation because the sprites are created in the right place but it is not accurate especially when a line is drawn: the Tiled does not appear.

    Does anyone have a solution to fix this?

  • Yes you are right.

    I answered too quickly without your eventsheet observe.

    It works well.

    There's just a lag between the creation of Tiledbackground and the sprites.

    This can be seen with the selection of sprite attached a mouse that I added.

    I try to fix that for the Tiledbackground coincides perfectly with the sprites.

    Do you have a solution for this?


  • Yes, the principle is exactly that.

    But unfortunately I think I can't use the "tilebackgroud" because I need it to be sprites.

    Let me explain:

    I have a lumberjack.

    I want to select an area and create a sprite in each square of 32x32 included in the zone.

    Once the area is created, my lumberjack will automatically be planting a tree on each sprite.

  • Thank you for your response Aspal.

    Your solution is attractive but it gives strange results to the left and up. To the right and down, no worries.

    Otherwise it's the idea, but I'm looking for sprites that also fills the interior of the area and we see the sprites while you move the mouse.

    I don't know if it's possible to do this by adapting your solution.

  • Hello.

    I need your help.

    I have a 32x32 sprite square attached to my mouse (with: ((floor ((MouseX) / 32) * 32) +16), ((floor ((MouseY) / 32) * 32) +16))) and I want when I click and as long as the button is pressed and I move the mouse, my sprite "spawn" other sprites, to form a rectangle whose diagonal is the distance between the first sprite and mouse.

    When I release the button the rectangular area composed of sprites is created.

    Basically, I want a selection box in multiples of 32 and I do not know how to do that.

    I hope to be understandable.

    Can you help?

    Thank you in advance and I apologize for my English.

  • Pfffff ...

    So I think a timeline history of conditions / actions caused the mess in my variables (or so I was doing anything with my event sheet is very possible ...) because your post forced me to redo everything and it works perfectly!

    I knock myself so everything is clear to me now.

    So thank you very much.<img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


    I leave the cap as an example if it can help a beginner like me who goes through here.

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  • Hello.

    I'm new to this forum and construct.

    I am trying to create a small "game management" and I need your help on a problem I encounter.

    I have a sprite (called "miner") that is automated based on several variables such as "Thirst", "Hunger," "Sleep" and other.

    When these variables, a condition managed by "Time" reaches a certain value, my "miner" moves respectively sprites "Water," "Food" and "Bed" for example, which has the result, the duration it overlaps the sprite, to increase the values of variables ...

    So far, no problem ...

    My worry is that I want to create an infinite number of clones of my sprite "miner" but when I did it with private variables (or global), they obviously share the same variable.

    So I test it with a "Hashtable" and by putting an object ID, but they share the same key (it's hard for me as a beginner to understand this stuff).

    In short, it does not work!

    Do you have a solution?

    The hash table is it the right way and if so, how to set up for me?

    Thank you in advance.

    PS: It's been three days that I have tested everything and looking for a solution on the forum posts but I think not or do not understand what is being proposed, so excuse me if a solution has a similar problem has already been posted and I have not seen.

    And my apologies for my English (it must then blame google translate;)). <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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Member since 18 Jul, 2011

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