Maybe i found a possible bug in Construct2 that can be causing this problems, can somebody confirm?
If i add some FX to a sprite this one works correctly only in the sprite with the sprite coordinates, but in the moment there is another FX added before, then seems the rest of the FX are applied with Layer based, that can cause why the
R0J0hound plugin only pastes the gfx with the last FX added.
Here what happens when a FX applied on a sprite have another FX before on the list:
The same for all other FX in the sprite.
Here another gif with the effects and switching the order to see what happens.
If the effects are applied single works on sprite, but in the moment there are one or more before then all them seems to change their coordinates by the layer/layout or something instead the sprite.
So, it's me i'm doing something wrong, or this is a bug?