Use Local Storage instead. To respawn enemies 48 hours later you can use "rex_time_awayL" plugin which saves the time you are away (game is closed) and you can easily compare how much time have passed between game sessions.
and like
gumshoe2029 said. to save data externally you will need some kind of a server (or service) that can do keep the record of your players and their score, settings etc.
rex_time_awayL will help me but in need to understand how to do this.
The system will look like this----->
Destroy enemy (without clicked) -> +1 level XP UP
Destroy enemy (clicked) -> - 1 Level XP Down
On destroyed = Level XP 1 -> Respawn in 1 hour
On destroyed = Level XP 2 -> Respawn in 2 hour
On destroyed = Level XP 10 -> Respawn in 90 hours
I need each enemy have a countdown, i dont know how to do this or if i need to save the time in the array, when the player close the game then obviously the countdown stop but when open the game again then i need with the rex_time_awayL subtract to the countdown the time away from the game, i don't care cheating etc.. i just want to make this easy because i cant advance in my game without this, when the countdown ends then i will add 1 in the array to the enemy so the with a loop i can spawn new enemies with value 1 in the array, like a queue list.
1. When save the game -> save in the array the time left of the countdown of each enemy, maybe i don't need save this in the array? just subtract the away time to the current countdown.
2. On load complete -> subtract Time Away to all countdown time values in the array, then -> find in the array 0< time values, then -> add string "ready" in the array to all enemies with 0< values (this to make a queue list) then -> loop = spawn enemies of the array that contain the string "ready".
Or more easy, i don't know if this can be done, just save the game, all countdowns are paused, when you open the game again the countdowns are unpaused but subtract the away time to all countdowns, the question is how i can use a countdown for each destroyed enemy? because each enemy will be destroyed and if i have a lot of enemies (more of 100) a lot of countdowns will lag the game?