Oh god I feel like such an idiot! Thanks
How do I make a text instance variable work? I am trying to use one to say what type of character the person will be, like "if ninja is clicked, set character (text instance variable) to NINJA" but it says its not a system expression or variable.
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Sorry not quite what I was looking for, but I didnt explain myself very well. I mean could I go, say, +600 to Y axis and make it go there instantly, rather than a set coordinate with an X and Y value.
How do I get an object to be in one place and then another instantly, like it is teleporting. For example if I get too close to the object, make it disappear and reappear in a new (set) location. This is quite urgent so a quick response would be very much appreciated.
Eg: If I wanted to make it so that an object would appear only if one sprite WAS on the screen, and a different object WAS NOT on the screen
Wait where is layout?
By this I mean not the layout, rather what u can c on the actual screen. Thanks
Thank u!
OMG NO! *face palm* Thank u so much!
Is there any way to copy a whole layout so that I don't have to reimport the sprites over and over? Any help would be much appreciated. Ps: I would appreciate if someone could explain how to post pics on here.
Thanks for the help; this file wont open for me for some reason, but I will keep looking
Try right clicking the tile and selecting "clone object type". This allows you to set separate behaviors and events to each individual sprite.
Member since 17 Jun, 2015