I enjoyed the game. It has a very Super Meat Boy-ish feel to it and the atmosphere is well-done (Music/art in particular was good). The difficulty curve was also very reasonable. At no point did I feel like the difficulty came out of nowhere. It slowly progressed into a more difficult experience with each section.
I was also surprised how long the demo was going for me. I figured it would only be a few sections, but there was a lot of depth to it. How long did it take you to make?
As for criticisms, my main gripe was with how sensitive the controls were. I realize this was meant to be half the challenge, but when you're precision platforming on rather small platforms that are moving up and down, it's frustrating to fall off those platforms just because you held down the move key for a split second too long. In games where you have very precise control over your movements (Such as Donkey Kong Country), that's ok. But here it was the only part of the game where I was frustrated. My suggestion would be to either ease up on the areas that require high amounts of precision, or maybe make the player's acceleration take longer.
The only other criticism I can think of is pretty minor, but thought I'd throw it out there any way. There were a few times where I wouldn't notice things that were important because it blended in too much with the environment. Usually it was a spike on the ground. Also in the section that you screencapped in your OP, I didn't realize you could just run along the floor like that because those looked like openings where you would fall into lava. I'm not sure if that's another case of the floor blending in with the environment too much or if it's the same deal as in Mario where the player can run over very small open spaces, but either way these things are pretty minor.
Great job on the game!