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  • It seems like you want one thing at two places at once. That's not really how things work. If you need two of an object, you have two instances. Unless you're just not communicating what you need and we're misunderstanding.

  • I'm assuming each area is its own large layout, and you're using something similar to, if not exactly, the map masking and transition affects in the MagiCam Plugin, with various amount of tweaking.

    The control config was a nice touch, as remapping with the Input System Plugin is a godsend. At first I was surprised you said you didn't use any Python scripting, but then looking at how the config behaved I'm not surprised. In my current project I allow the user to remap at any time while playing. Due to the Binary Object being rather bugged, I instead do all my binary writing via Python. This allows me full control of the file writing, plus I do a lot of formatting on the data for various display purposes.

    I love looking at these games and trying to figure out what systems are in place. Plus, being a Metroid fan and a lover of all things pixel, this game is one of the most glorious things I've ever seen. Amazing work.

  • When using a binary object, I cannot seem to clear the data it holds after doing a Write String. For example:

    Binary: Write string "abc"

    Binary: Save to file "text.txt"

    text.txt will now have "abc"

    File: Delete file "text.txt"

    Binary: Write string "def"

    Binary: Save to file "text.txt"

    text.txt will now have "abcdef"

    Even if I set the cursor to 0 before writing again to the binary, it doesn't seem to help. If I create a new binary object each time I write, it works fine, but then I can't delete the binary object. Has anyone found a good workaround for this issue or is there a step I'm missing?

  • Another question. I have the controls currently loading from a preset configuration file. Later, I allow the player to change the control mapping, however, I don't want the changes to immediately go into effect. I want the system to hold the new changes and come into effect once the player confirms the changes.

    I thought I could record the new changes to a different player, but then I'm unsure how to get the controls of one player to then move to a different player. Is there something I'm missing or is there a better way to go about this?

    Edit: I think I have solved this issue. What I can do is record everything to player 2, then binary write it to a tempfile, but before the write I use a text manipulator to replace all instances of ",2," to ",1," then load that temp file.

  • Thanks Jayjay. That did the trick!

  • I'm using a custom font in my game which is installed on my computer. It works great, but when I build and give the game to one of my testers, the font defaults back to Arial.

    Is there a way I can build the font into the game? I tried adding the ttf to the Files in the resource bar, but that didn't seem to help any.

  • Maybe I'm missing something simple here, but is there a way to map two inputs to a control?

    I am wanting to support both Keyboard and Gamepad input into my game, and whenever I set the presets to the joystick, keyboard functionality is lost.

  • Thanks to everyone for the help.

    Like what was said, switching back to a setup using arrow keys for movement fixed everything. Hopefully when I switch to working in controller input it won't cause issues there.

  • Considering how gravity functions in platformer behavior, I'm not sure if this would be possible without doing custom movement.

  • > the cap changes depending on the keys used


    Seems it will register 3 keys when holding up, but not when holding down. That's all I can think of atleast ^^;

    That's so odd. Thanks for looking at it and the help.

    Further testing shows that while I'm sliding on a wall to the right, it doesn't work. However, if I'm sliding on a wall to the left, it works! Wow. I don't get it.

  • The problem has nothing to do with your events; it's the control setup

    Keyboards can only register so many keys at a time, and the cap changes depending on the keys used. For me, using the arrow keys and S to jump / D to shoot fixes it.

    I considered that, but if that was the case why would sliding while holding up at the same time and firing work? I don't mind switching around the controls to get it working, I'm just curious.

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  • I'm working on my first game as a gift to my girlfriend. I've been hammering out the mechanics for a week now and have almost everything done. In my testing, however, I have noticed a strange bug that prevents me from attacking while performing a wall slide while holding the down movement button. I've reviewed my events and can't seem to find the issue. I was hoping one of you helpful veterans could take a look and see if I am missing something.


    Movement is WASD, jump is J, attack is K. To wall slide jump against a wall and hold against it. You can jump kick off the wall as well as double jump. Also, you can skip the first layout by pressing Enter.


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Member since 18 Jun, 2011

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