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  • My god, you are a gem! That works! The jumping to and from planets is using an object way bigger than the planet object as an invisible atmosphere so it only does the gravity thing when overlapping the big object. Thank you very much

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  • Oh yes. It is using the custom movement. It uses change speed towards object for the gravity. But when I make it move horizontally, it doesnt move toward the planet untill it isnt moving any more :S

  • I have yet another problem. I am trying to make a Maria Galaxy style platformer. This is basicly a round object as a planet, and the gravity pulling towards this planet. That is all good, but I cant make the player move acording to the angle of the surface he is on. With game maker there is a command lengthdir_x and lengthdir_y. What would the function be in Construct? Also jumping acording to the players position. Thanks.

  • Ah, thats perfect actually. Thank you very much for that!

  • Hey. Thanks for the reply. I checked through the examples but cant find one with whant I am wanting to do. What I am looking for is kind of like object stacking in an ini file I guess. Hard to describe.

  • I am new to this engine and I am working on a level editor for a game i am making. It works great so far but when I add a save function it doesnt save all the instances in the editor part. For example, I have one object called solid_start. I have an edit box called world_name and a button called btn_save. I have the action so when the user clicks btn_save, it saves solid_start.XY to a .ini file. The user adds more than one of solid_start in different positions and presses btn_save and it only saves the first solid_start.XY. How would I get it to save the rest of their positions? In the .ini file it saves as solid and I would like it to add a "1" to the end of solid. Eg. solid1 = x,y/solid2 = x,y/solid3..solid4..solid5.....solid99...solid1000.. If you get what I mean.


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Member since 17 Jun, 2011

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