nitawat's Recent Forum Activity

  • now my in-app is done

    but when i buy google play say error message

    "Authentication is required. You need to sign into your google account"


  • i need like for BILLING permission in XDK and update the config file


  • thank you janlindso

    i export game with cordova > intel XDK it say "The build failed"

    when i export with HTML5 > intel XDK > it can build an APK and i can play in my phone.

    official IAP

    i put in to googleplay set product and price already .

    i test bata it say have in app purchase in my apps.

    but i put BUY botton it noting .

    cranberrys IAP

    it say no billing in my apps

    sorry my english is not good.

  • i have same problem...

    i try official IAP and cranberrys IAP thay not work.

    anyone plz help

  • it done!! i try to made it simplicity . no need MyVar just only nameofplayer.

    my capx


    thank you all for kindness

  • thankyou vendara justifun

    i got it! . now the name can show on layer2. But it have number in front of name (1nameofplayer) how i fix it.

  • thank for you kindness Gigatron i got it.

  • Sorry that’s my fault. this is new capx with out plugsins.

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  • thank vendara this is my game

  • Sorry beginner's cant post link.

  • i try to learn from tutorial. my problem is can not crate name on layout2 .

    what wrong of my game

    this is my game


    Layout1 Event


    Global text nameOfPlayer=""

    Global text MyVar=""


    1 System On start of layout /action/ Textbox/Set text to MyVar

    Text/Set text to MyVar

    2 System Every tick /action/ Text Set text to Textbox.Text

    3 Touch On tap gesture on bottom1 /action/ System Set nameOfPlayer to Text.Text

    Text2 Set text to"Hello"&nameOfPlayer&"

    4 Touch On tap gesture on bottom2 /action/ System Go to Layout2


    Layout2 Event


    Include :Layout1 Event

    1 System On start of layout /action/ Text/Set text to " "&myvar&"&nameofplayer&"


    thankyou anyone

  • thank you LittleStain i try to do it

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Member since 14 Jun, 2015

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