Updated to totally different background for a more cartoonish feel to the game, also added a second style of asteroid, music and an explosion SFX on collision. There is a game breaker bug in this update where it will stop spawning asteroids and as such will just run forever with nothing to do, if this happens need to re open app at the moment. I know how to fix it and will do if I get time over next 2 days. A related bug also means it will randomly spawn 2 asteroids before the 200 score mark. This will be fixed at the same time.
In this update I'm interested to hear feedback on:
1. Should I remove the speed up at 100 score and just have it all start a little faster,
2. Feedback on music choice
3. Feedback on graphics (menu, play button, ship and background)
4. Explosion SFX volume level(at the moment -10db compared to music volume)
Thanks for any and all feedback
Edit: forgot link , https://conterminous-blades.000webhostapp.com/SDBUILD5/index.html