I'm trying to build a beat-em-up similar to Guardian Heroes from the Sega Saturn or Panzer Bandit on the PSX and these work via multiple lanes, that is instead of being able to move up or down one wide lane like in Final Fight or Streets of Rage, there's two or more lanes which all act as a 2D field where you can move left and right along with jumping and crouching.
I've tried what Daiz recommended in construct.net/en and that kind of got the lane shifting mechanic working except that it seems to apply globally to anything with a platformer behaviour (if any other players are around, they'll probably shift lanes too).
Is it possible to have an object ignore families or other objects with a specific attribute? That's the only way I can see this working right so that the players can shift lanes and if there's any enemies on lane 2 and the player is on Lane 1, neither one will be able to affect the other.
If there's a better way to achieve what I'm trying to do, I'm all ears too. I'm pretty new to Construct and I'm open to learning how to use it better.