bclikesyou's Recent Forum Activity

  • My bad. I usually re-scale my graphics outside of Construct (in Photoshop or Pyxel Edit).

    "Nearest Neighbor" interpolation is an option in Photoshop when you resize an image (Image > Image Size). It finds the nearest color and uses the same thing. Retains sharp edges that we all love our pixel art to have

  • 'lil drill bot freaks out and charges you when you get close. Better tighten up them jumps!

  • When you scale up, use "nearest neighbor" interpolation.

  • Congrats! Looks great!

  • Video!

    Haywire patrol bot coming through + revamped player animations.

    3 more enemies to animate and then just music and sfx and the demo will be done! I can see the end!

  • Cool! I dig it.

    What does you state system look like? I like state machines but haven't had a chance to really use them in C2.

  • blekdar Thanks for posting your stats! Incredibly helpful to see behind the scenes. Especially since I plan on doing the same one day

  • Ruskul Ha! Definitely been there. This weekend I accidentally discovered that I was creating dialogue boxes EVERY TICK because I had a "create dialogue box at x,y" when two variables were true. They were stacking and looked totally fine in preview. However in the debug I noticed my instance count was ROCKETING up and was all, "Wha? What am I doing wrong?"

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  • Ruskul thanks!

    I made good progress on work this week and actually managed to get ahead of schedule.

    • Set up mid-game title reveal + changed game title
    • Finished up all dialogue and cutscenes
    • Installed and set up layout transitions. I recommend these or something like it. Having nice transitions really adds that extra bit of polish.
    • Set up pause function and screen
    • Got title screen code working and started working on title screen art

    What's left, bc?

    • This week: Finish title screen and game over screen
    • 2nd week: 1/2 of enemy art
    • 3rd week: remaining 1/2 of enemy art
    • 4th week: music and sfx
    • 5th week: bugs and polish
  • Ruskul Thanks for the heads up!

  • Name change and gameplay title reveal! Don't mind the skewed fonts; I had resized the window to make the gif and it scaled the fonts.

  • I have this issue too. I used this tutorial to make a smooth scrolling camera.

    As the camera "settles" on the player when you stop moving, it will jitter 1px to the right, then 1px to the left, then stop on the character. My "resolution" is set to 256x144 and my tiles are all 16x16, so single pixels are noticeable. It's most notable when there is a foreground scrolling parallax layer. I probably gotta tweak the lerp settings, but I thought I'd mention this regardless.