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  • I still can't figure it out.

    I created the example so you can see the problem:

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  • Nice, I didn't know that. I'll definitely try it.

  • Thanks, I'll try and let you know if it works.

    This is only a small portion of code, the part that doesn't work as planned.

    As I said, it works great except it creates 3 objects the first time.

  • Anyone?

  • Hello everybody!

    This is my pseudo code:

    system every int(random(1,3)) seconds > set position to int(random(0,2))

    • position = 0 > create object from family at some coordinates
    • position = 1 > create object from family at some coordinates
    • position = 2 > create object from family at some coordinates

    It all works great except on start of layout it is all triggered at once and 3 objects are created instead of only one. Afterwards it works as intended.

    Can someone help? What am I missing?

    Thank you!

  • I think It would be a bit of a mess when referencing it all in events.

  • I have animation frames which change the shape of sprite (8 different frames). So if I add 6 more color, I'll have 48 frames. But now I'll create 8 sprites with different shapes and each will have 6 colors (6 frames). Put it in the same family and it should work

  • OK, thanks. I was hoping to avoid animation frames but if it's inevitable... I'll go with frames.

  • Well, for now I only colored the sprite in a single color in sprite designer (regular rgb values). If it makes any difference I could do it with effect (change color or tint).

    Is there a property like Sprite.color or something similar?

  • Hello everybody!

    Is there a way to reference color value for comparison? For instance, if sprite hits a wall, destroy it, but only if the color of the sprite is red.

    How do I get the color value for comparison?

    Thank you!

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Member since 8 Jun, 2015

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