The Illuminati is the Enemy (Don't Ask) The Player is, Surprisingly, the Player, and The IllumSpawn is the Enemy Spawner. Put your enemy off the layout and put that it will be destroyed on the start of the layout so the player won't be annoyed with an extra enemy. Also, set that They will spawn on your Game Layer and The Image Point depends, All Sprites come with an Image Point 0, called the Origin, which is the center, but you can set your own. If you have, It will tell you what value it is. (Ignore the fact that I put 2, That is because I'm using 2 Spawners that are not the same). You then type in that every *blank* seconds, it will spawn (The seconds really doesn't matter, you can do 1, 5, or 100 seconds. I did that it will pick randomly between 1 and 3 seconds) Then, it should spawn pretty Fine. If you have any Issues, just ask me.