I'm seeing way too much system wait actions.
Couldn't you take away a lot of them?
Replace them with on animation end or something like that?
The solution I thought of is probably too easy, but who knows..
<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48563442/Probably-too-easy.jpg" border="0" />
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In this capx from the topic you referred to you only have to change very little to get what you want.
only difference is you are not creating the rockets, but just selecting the objects to follow the line..
I've set a global variable that only spawns the text on a paticular value, so I don't think it's that.
Your text is spawned every tick that condition is met, so who knows how many instances of the text object exist.
Add a trigger once while true to the spawning event and all troubles disappear.
—, that will work, except when using scale inner or scale outer.
To be able to get the hud to stay relative to the viewport when using one of those scales, make the parallax 0,0 and use the anchor behaviour.
Problem is you are selecting multiple instances of the enemy object when they overlap and so the enemy object can be destroyed without the enemy-animation being touched 2 times.
You should find a way to pick only the enemy to which the animation is pinned.
As Construct2 is a 2D-game engine, it should not be your first choice to create 3D.
However with some smart coding and creating the right sprites 3D can be faked. It's not easy to do and even harder to explain, so I won't even try.
It's working great!
I couldn't recreate your problem, but maybe you could try changing the pixel-rounding and or sampling settings?
Put a system trigger once condition under the detected = 1
effect outline topic
Nvenom, if that is what the topicstarter is trying to accomplish, I'd still recommend destroying the turret at that time and replacing it with a sprite that spawns bullets.. (much better way in my opinion to get the turret going crazy effect as well)
If the stroke should only appear when certain conditions are met, you could try with placing a sprite beneath to make the stroke appear.
If the stroke should always be there it would be better to just create a sprite with the outline already in place.
Member since 26 Apr, 2011