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  • I've tried everything but when I try to log in with the google account in android .apk the popup appears quickly and in the same shelf disappears.

    Does anyone have a solution for this?

    Note: It works perfectly on the web page.

  • The problem with userMedia is that it does not enforce the permission, you have to manually enter it and activate it in the application settings.

  • I would like to know, as is the logic behind applications that are not open, do functions to change something, warn etc ...

    And I wanted to know if it's possible to do with Construct 2/3????

  • Does anyone know if it works or do I need a plugin?

    So far it only works for HTML projects

  • I wonder if you have any solutions to this problem.

    I configured everything correctly, I already put it in google play, but when I buy an item, after it was done successfully the app fails and I can not open it any more.

    I try to open the app and it says: "The (app name) has stopped."

    I can not open the app anymore ... what can I do?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • The example provided is correct because the x - 1 guarantees that they are descending in order and never numbers that are next to one another. Did you try it? Your own example is incorrect : random 0,30 would never generate 30, it's generate x to y, but not y.

    I just tested our friend's example.

    But if I put random (0,100) and the first result is 56 per example, only numbers will be generated below that, I lose the rest of the numbers.

  • Ok...

    Let's say you want three non-consecutive numbers between 0 and 99.

    You could try something like this:

    > z = random(100)
    y = random (z - 1))
    x = random(y - 1)
    This will return a sequence in which z>y>x, that is, they're in ascending order from x to z.
    Hope this helps. Cheers!

    That would give me sequential numbers... I need some way that blocks this kind of sequence.


    10 random numbers (0,30)

    1 - 5 - 9 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 25 - 27 - 29 - 30

    12 - 13 - 14 They are sequenced, and this couldnt happen.

  • Is there a specific range? Also, is the offset always 1?

    can be random, but not with 3 consecutive numbers.

  • I would like to know how to not generate sequential numbers in 3, exemple, "10,11,12" "57,58,59"... but possible "10,12,13" "34,35,37"

  • This is giving me a headache at times ... I can not finish a project because C3 does not read a script I click in "Debug layout" and simply doesnt read the script I need this information to correct any problems that may occur, team of the scirra to pay due attention to this matter and to be able to give some solution to this.

    My license is almost at the end and until today I could not finish anything in C3 just because of this problem.

    Obs.: Preview Layout the script work fine...

  • C3 is horrible when used with scripts, always giving problems with authentication ... hope you correct this, my license is near expiration and probably will not renew, 1 year of lost license and that is not cheap.

  • Ashley I have a project and use script to access localhost but, nothing happens in "Debug" mode, only in normal mode.

    ============= Edit ============

    Preview Layout working script...


    Debug Layout not working script...


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