Sorry again. I could not answer it because I only made plugins, not a final product.
Vote one.
I updated all my board plugins, hope I did not miss something.
Sorry, I don't make plugins of native iOS, native Android. I only use HTMl5 (javascript) currently.
It does not support crossfade ( fade-out + fade-in ) in an action in current plugin, user might try use two actions separated, one for fade out, the other for fade-in.
Okey, I uploaded rex_board plugin again.
Thanks, I had fixed them, please download rex_board_edge plugin again.
You might first record target tiles then moving to them one by one with rex_grid_move behavior.
My friend tested the same page on native browser of galaxy S2, it works fine too. I am not sure why it still wrong in your testing. Sorry I could not help you.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
What is your test environment on mobile. I made a test and opened on safari at ipad3, it works fine.
Set the property "Shift down" to increase the line height of first text line. But I don't know why the mobile will have different outcome, "Shift down" is used to fix the issue in your first image.
Try set property "Baseline" to "Alphabetic".
Member since 4 Apr, 2011