It is better to provide a test capx. Sorry I could not understand whole problem.
My helper behaviors does not support it, sorry. It only maps rojo's capx into behaviors.
I could not get your point clearly.
You might set "Obstacles" to "Custom" in properties table if you want to assign a custom obstacles in event sheet.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I have no idea, sorry.
Add rex_gridCtrl plugin which is an advance version of rex_listCtrl plugin.
You might try "Action:Point to object", and disable collision of instances which you want to ignore.
Add "Action:Next random" for this feature. - sample capx
Call "action: Set seed" again to reset(create) random gen object with specific seed.
I had added an expression:Seed to get seed back in random gen plugin.
Sorry, I did not know french. Only poor English.
These expression returns valid values after text draw, official text also has the same behavior.
Here is a sample capx.
You could disable/enable all wait actions to see the result.
Fix bug of assigning random gen object.
It is a bug. Now you could download this plugin again. Moreover, you should assign different/dedicated random gen object for each pattern gen object. ... le%2c.capx
And I also update the link of document in 1st post.
Member since 4 Apr, 2011