Tkaos's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hey Clodius !

    I cant figure out whats wrong, or how you exactly did it !

    Iam trying to create random falling objects via system when the layout is starting.

    Unfortunatly, nothing fall at all.

    • Is the time scale playing an osbcure role in the process ?

    Cheers !

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  • Hello Clodius !

    Thank you very much, its exactly what I was looking for !

  • Hi,

    Im new here, and let me say how great this community seems to be :p

    I just discovered Construct few days ago, and I love to play ith it and test the possibilities !

    Homever I'm kind of blocked now. I searched on the forum, on the doc, on youtube / google, tutorials but didnt found how to realise my effect:

    I would like to make some random falling object on a plateform game, that, when touching the ground, just disapear, but when touching the character, will hurt him.

    So, I tough that I could use a particles system, but it cant interact with solid object, so I was wondering if someone got an idea of how I can create objects that would appear randomly from top and disapear when touche the ground or the character.

    Someone could help me please ?

    Anyway thank you very much, and thank for this incredible engine !

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Member since 3 Apr, 2011

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