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  • Jeez... sometimes I really wonder how I came this far. After applying the distort map, it of course works. Thanks again!

  • Oh oh... when you try to address several sprites, the relative displacement doesn`t work, as if it was ignored for each instance beyond the first. You can verify this if you just copy the sprite several times in your example.

    What now?

  • Hey,

    yes, it is. You might want to check this thread.

  • Hey,

    it`s true, I have to tinker a formula for the lights position relative to viewport and layout size. Best way would be probably to do it through a shader variable.

    The light sources can be colored easily, just append a coloring shader to the pipeline, like NouvoFill or something else.



    I was so furiosly spritesheeting that I forgot about the d-maps.

    Thanks alot R0J0!

  • Hey there,

    I have been experimenting with spritesheets lately, but from where I stand today, I would say that "messing around" would be a more appropriate term.

    THIS is what I did, and also UV-offsetting works now.

    However, I fail to establish a working technique to stick the spritesheet to another object, let`s say a sprite, that I can freely rotate (probably due to it`s quad nature).

    I tried to give a sprite the TiledBackground`s texture with TextureSetter, but of course this implies the whole sheet and not only the cutout I?ve set on the TiledBG. Applying a pixel shader to offset, rotate and zoom the cutout results in an utter mess.

    My next shot would be to write and apply a vertex-shader that does the job, UNLESS there`s somebody out there that knows how to overcome the problem.

    And yeah, I thought of firing up the sheet to ImageManipulator, do a cropping loop and write the cutout to a sprite, but the loop is ... not that quick.

    So, anyone? <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">


    the Colonel

  • Hey,

    there`s another one coming:


    You want to render a scene containing multiple radial lights including heightmaps. When you apply a heightmap effect to the texture, there`s only one light, so multiple superposed lights will fail to render correctly.


    Create a layer with the diffuse/ compiled texture, then below a layer with the heightmap. The light sprite incorperates the following shaders:


    A shader that grabs the pixels two layers below the current sprite

    (e.g. the global variable texture viewer in fisholith`s shader pack:


    A shader that shapes the sprites to an ellipse with smooth transition.

    (e.g. the one made by Tulamide


    the heightmap shader with light position information.

    Applying the shaders in this order the sprite will use the heightmap below the diffuse texture, blend it over in ellipse shape and renders the lighting on the heightmap information.

    Additionally, for every light in the scene/ on the level or map, you can center the light x/y. to have the light rays radiating from the center of the source.

    Heightmap blend:

    <img src="" border="0">

    Final composition:

    <img src="" border="0">

    The render techniques are quite expensive, but this is probably the closest thing you`ll get to a realistic lighting engine in Construct with a somewhat marginal effort.

    Grab the example cap here:

    I included the effects that accomplish this in the zip, hopefully by their creator`s leave.

    Credits go out to fisholith, Tulamide and Jorge Fuente-Alba.


    the Colonel

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  • I got another one, though. When disabling resizing of a window widget, the caption bar looks like this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Also, creating a color picker results in this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Resizing the color picker widget doesn`t seem to improve it`s scaling.

    Any remedies for this?


    the Colonel

  • This looks pretty much like GWEN using its default built-in skin, which looks quite awful. You may want to extract both files, example.cap and the skin.png in the same directory and run the cap from there.

  • Ah, that was a tad too quick as I would have paid the 10 bucks right away ;)

    Anyway, just purchased it and will give it an elaborate run later on. The first thing that popped up when I played around with it was that it looks like a window container cannot hold more than 4 tab controls. Am I doing something wrong?


    Forgive me my stupidity, as I have only copied the event without crosschecking its internal values. After I did that, I found the TAB name & PAGE name values, altered them accordingly and everything was fine :)


    The Colonel

  • Maybe you also might want to check on how you compose the level. Running your example uses up to 120 MB already which is quite heavy for a scene where there is not much going on except the background and the platforms. Try to have your platforms made up of smaller sprites if you have repeating textures. That might also counter the fps drop you are experiencing.

  • Hi,

    regarding the sound trigger, I would suggest not to use a canvas object if it`s the sole purpose for it. A canvas consumes already VRAM in portion of its size. I`m also not able to tell wether there`s some buggy stuff going on with the collision detection and eventing since your condition and expression should work fine as they are.

    I would replace the canvas with a tiled background as this is more flexible when you scale it and doesn`t consume VRAM.

    Regarding the aspect ratio, you might want to check this thread.


    The Colonel

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Colonel Justice

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