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    I'd be really interested in other people who have worked in teams, were using C2, and have also had success working with forms of subversion like SVN, Git, etc. We're currently using Dropbox which is kinda insane but it's been working out so far... it's just not the best when we run into issues so we have to be very careful not to step on each other's toes at all times.

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  • As someone who's been intimately using Tiled for the last 8 months, I can safely say it's really the best solution (though it's not without flaw). It would be great if C2 offered all the features of Tiled and more for its mapping solution, but it's not likely to happen any time soon.

    If you want to make a more advanced game, use Tiled.

  • Check this tutorial out and make sure you're using/setting a gravatar to the correct email adress.

    <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle"> well that's embarrassing, it was the email address thing. I don't know why I changed it but I guess that makes sense. Thanks!

  • Yeah... still not working for me. <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Really annoying.

    Works for Wordpress sites and a number of other things, so I'm not sure whether it's a problem with my account on this forum or not.

  • My Gravatar isn't working either. There's nothing wrong on Gravatar's end. I've reuploaded my image several times. It never updates and it never changes. All I get is this dumb yellow robot. There's nothing I can do to help fix it.

    Would be nice if someone could help fix this...

  • Here's a shot of the shop. Golgoth doesn't have enough coins. :(

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Cappdog: that looks reaaaaaaaaaaallly pretty, dude! <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • +1, this would be really awesome to have. Even back in the Megaman days on NES, they had short little unique intros before the whole track played and would just continue to loop from there. It was subtle, sure, but it made a hell of a difference and set MM's BGM apart from the rest.

  • Please forgive my rudeness for bumping this topic, but I really would appreciate some kind of response from someone. If not the people who are working on C2, then someone else who also has this problem? Anyone?

  • I'm going to try my best to make this not come off as a complaint.

    Look, I know Image Editor isn't supposed to be as good as Photoshop. I know it's limited. I know it's made to just do some basic, quick little fixes and then you close it out. But even then, when it comes to anything having to do with small edits, or ANYTHING animation-related in your game, you're forced to use this thing.

    The extra windows that pop up when you click on Origin Point or the Palette Editor - why oh why can you not make it remember their last location.

    I cannot tell you how many times I have to move around windows on a daily basis, when all this time could be completely solved with sticking these windows in one spot, and then STAYING there. These windows have no business popping back to center every single time you click a different option or access another function. Why can't they just stay put? I know a lot of this sounds like "sour grapes," but please, just a little something like this would make using C2, (and just my life) SO much easier and better.

    Thanks for your time.

    Here's a fun little animated gif of exactly what I'm talking about. The same thing can also be said of the Origin Point editor, or when you crop all frames at once (Shift-Crop) or a number of other basic tasks.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I know I can't be alone on this.

    (Using latest version of C2 on a Win7 machine.)

  • Happy #screenshotsaturday, everyone. Please enjoy a shot of the sewers from Dethlands.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • digitalsoapbox: With all due respect, the hard way / "the way it always has been" isn't always the best or most efficient way. Last time I checked, Scirra has gone to great lengths to make it seem like C2 is one of the most convenient, easy-to-use, and all-in-one game creation programs out there, and pride themselves on ease of use. All we're trying to do is nurture this app to give it that extra edge it needs.

    Call me crazy, but I feel that having a robust and easy-to-use in-engine tilemap editor without having to resort to a 3rd party app helps give C2 that extra edge and would be an extremely big selling point.

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Infinitys End

Member since 13 Feb, 2011

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