Shouldn't we be seeing the check failure?
Yeah? I was expecting to see it too.
No crash (nor check failure) when closing project, layer, or program!
Edit: Just wanted to add:
You rawk!
Here we go.
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong. kernel32!RaiseException+0x52 Construct2!_CxxThrowException+0x48 [f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\prebuild\eh\throw.cpp @ 157] Construct2!cr::GLRenderer::MakeCurrent+0x4e [c:\construct2\source\common\cr\glrenderer\glrenderer_windows.cpp @ 330] Construct2!ObjectTexture::GLReleaseTexture+0x150 [c:\construct2\source\ide\projects\objecttexture.cpp @ 391] Construct2!RendererLayer::ReleaseTexture+0x14 [c:\construct2\source\ide\rendererlayer.cpp @ 123] html5_exporter+0x1ea1e html5_exporter!ShutdownExporter+0x5835f[/code:evaa3y0n]
I can't seem to get it to load symbols. What's your secret?
i've tried pointing to the directory, and the file itself (the pdb is next to the exe)
Thank you very much!
A printout of this makes a world of difference for me
Errr, i don't have any good news for you :-Crash on project close from menu, and program close.
Thanks for the effort though. Leaving work, and this computer, for the night
...but i'll be back again tomorrow.
Is it possible to add lerp here, please?
I'm a coding newb, and it would be hugely helpful if this list was maintained
Sorry to say I'm still getting the runtime crash.
Let me know if there's any data I can send (and how to do so).
Edit: Dur.
XP SP3 x32
I grabbed the pdb from the other thread, but I have to idea how it's used
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