Yeah I do confirm, I remade the test with the exact same two events discribed above.
To be more precise, I exported the project and hosted it as a canvas app embedded in a page.
When I load the game the first time, I get Onready, but If I just F5, the OnReady isn't triggered (Ctrl+F5 sometimes triggers the OnReady)
I believe the js being in the cache, it's loaded so fast that the call to fbAsyncInit is done before the call to the system OnLayoutStart.
And I do believe that each OnCreate of each instances of object type are called before the OnLayoutStart so everything is initialized at this point, including the facebook API js added to the page. So the racing condition is quite possible.
Arne 's solution seems ok to me
Ashley maybe, if you end up modifying the plugin, you could also expose a bit more data in expressions, like the fbAppID ... For now I have to hard code the link the the apps' page (In which I have a like to unlock) for my share button, If I can access the ID directly in runtime I can generate it using events )