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  • Weishaupt Never invert Triggers


    works fine for me soundTiming.capx

  • send me a simple .capx with what you managed copy from my solution

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  • local variable are either global variable you nest under an event (drag&drop under an event and slightly to the right so it gets nested)


    something you can create by right clicking on a nested event.

  • if you do a

    set scroll to lerp(scroll,player,dt)[/code:29x80mzq]
    just use a variable as intermediate.
    [code:29x80mzq]set scrollVar to lerp(scrollVar,player,dt)
    set scroll to scrollVar[/code:29x80mzq]
    Then you can easily add any noise you want on that
    [code:29x80mzq]set scrollVar to lerp(scrollVar,player,dt)
    set scroll to scrollVar + random(-20,20)[/code:29x80mzq]
    (note: I didn't split things into X and Y... I'll let you do that )
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  • Maybe you can:

    • store the current velocity of the object in variables
    • teleport the object
    • set the velocity to 0,0 to avoid weird behavior
    • and then reset the velocity as it was next tick.

    If you have some rotation you might need to store/lock/reset angular velocity as well.

    Never tested though

  • Hmmm you can always set a timer (global/instance variable) when you play a sound, you increment it and when this timer variable reach a specific value you stop the sound. (But you should preload it first to be sure it's as sync as it can be)

    Global number timer = 0
    +On what you want
      -> Audio: Stop sound tag "mySound"  // to stop the sound if you don't want two sounds playing at the same time
      -> Audio: Play sound tag "mySound"
      -> System: set timer to 5
    +System: Every tick
      -> System: set timer to max(timer-dt,0)
    +System: timer = 0
      -> Audio: Stop sound tag "mySound"

    Should work

  • did you try audacity?

  • Could paste all your game into a canvas object (see plugins). (that's for the snap part)

    For the sharing part you need a way to send image data in an ajax query. But as the default Ajax object use Get method I don't think you have enough room to send any screen size image.

    There's an Ajax plugin that use POST method somewhere in the plugin list but you still need a way to convert your canvas into image data and probably a php page to interprete it.

    And remember. I can be totally wrong with the sharing part but for the snap part that's how I would do it.

  • But you can still do that


  • open your sound files in Audacity and file > export "WAV (Microsoft) signed 16 bits PCM"

    c2 should import them properly.