Yann's Recent Forum Activity

  • Set VectorX and vectorY to 0

  • Yeah I used image points to have a precise start for the red sprite.

    it's made so the sprite that grows from 0 to it's max height will really start at the border of the outline, so you should see something between 0 and 1 HP out of 100.

    Else it would be hidden behind the outline.

  • +on start of layout
      -> spawn platform at random(layoutwidth),random(layoutheight)
      +platform: [invert] is SET
        +platform: is overlapping object
          -> platform: set position to random(layoutwidth),random(layoutheight)
          -> platform: set SET to true

    put your platform in the family 'object'

    and add a boolean variable 'SET' with default false

  • Top Down shooter then :D

    A first person POV is through the eyes of the character isn't it?

    Do you have a game example of what you want to do?

  • you can also use the Dictionnary plugin. If I were to emulate dynamic variables that what I would use.

  • Every Ticks
      -> sprite: set t dt to min(1,sprite.t+dt)
      -> sprite: set X to lerp(sprite.xStart,sprite.xEnd,sprite.t)

    If you provide a starting point, and end point and t start at 0 it should linearly interpolate between xStart and xEnd.

  • IID does auto reindexing.

    Anyway, things would be faster if you explained what your game is about and what you want to use IDs or ordering for ?

  • I rarely use multiple event sheet unless there's some part of event I need over different layouts. For me that's the main use of event shett splitting "reusing code"

    I don't like splitting my events too much and having too many tabs.

    I prefer a long event sheet, I just have to collapse some groups if I need it. This way I can read the entire game code in one "page"

  • like that? Panning.capx

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  • hmmm

    Global number distance= 0
    Global number maxDist = 100
    Global number minDist = 5
    Every Ticks 
      -> set distance to distance(Sprite.X,Sprite.Y,Target.X,Target.Y)
      -> Set Bullet speed to lerp(0,100,Clamp((distance-minDist)/(maxDist-minDist),0,1))
  • I didn't look at your capx, but using groups for multi-instances programming isn't a good idea as groups are globally activated or deactivated. So if one of your instances triggers the activation of a group, the code within this group will be executed no matter what.

    You should use instances variables and check them in a top event for each of your states.

  • just tried something for fun gridPatroling.capx